Dedicated To Workplace Safety
CVC is dedicated to making Safety the NUMBER ONE priority each and every working day on each one of our projects. The construction industry is statistically one of the most dangerous industries to work in. Our Experience Modification Rate (EMR) exemplifies how important safety is to our company. Our 3-year average EMR rate is: 0.75, which is significantly lower than the 1.0 Average for the construction industry.
To achieve our safe atmosphere, we conduct quarterly company safety meetings where employee attendance is mandatory. We go over certain areas of our Safety Program each meeting to refresh our knowledge on requirements of OSHA 1926, hotspots of a jobsite and showing examples of safe and unsafe work practices. Additionally, weekly tool box talks are conducted on all of our jobsites, with Job Hazard Analysis (JHAs) also being conducted when a new activity is beginning that has a potential hazard component. On private industry projects, we adhere to our safety program, as well as the client’s safety program.